Colourful lighting - Schlüter-Systems

Light up with colour

The colour temperature of light determines what kind of effect that light has on our mood, for example, a warm-white spectrum relaxes us and a neutral-white has an energising effect. The daylight spectrum includes the biologically effective blue range and is considered to be a pleasant light. Studies show that light enriched with blue of up to 17,000 Kelvin makes us feel particularly active and even can reduce eye strain and headaches.

Natural daylight is dynamic. It constantly changes in luminescence and colour temperature from sunrise to sunset.

Despite being composed of all the colours of the spectrum, daylight has a high portion of blue, in comparison to most artificial sources of light, like incandescent light bulbs and many energy-saving compact fluorescent lamps, which have high a portion of yellows and reds. Intelligent lighting concepts imitate the dynamic colour spectrum of natural daylight. The Schlüter-LIPROTEC system does exactly that. LIPROTEC gives an individual the power to control the colour temperature of light within their chosen space to create dynamic illumination that can be fully adjustable. Switch on your good mood. 

Good to know:

Natural daylight is several thousand Lux strong but even illuminances of far lower magnitude (500-1500 Lux) are biologically effective. The colour temperature plays a central role, it is supposed to be similar to daylight. The different colour temperatures depend on the blend of the luminous substance and from this, differently made-up light spectrums are created that affect people in different ways. For the circadian (24hr day) rhythm, light with a higher share of blue is more effective than warm-white colours of light.

Questions and answers

  • Can I illuminate rooms with my favourite colours?

    Our receiver for the control of coloured LEDs offers the possibility to select among 8 programmed colours. The base colour tones stored have been adjusted to take into account the biological effects of light and colour on people. 

    Using a colour change, you can also save your favourite colour temporarily or permanently. This individual programming is carried out via the switch.

  • Can I create a coloured play of light?

    Pre-programmed colour changes can be called up as scenarios, using our control system. You decide, with the touch of a button, what mood you want to activate.

  • Does the system remember my colour temperature or do I have to adjust it anew all the time?

    Our receiver that controls the colour temperature of white LEDs offers the option to save 4 fixed colour temperatures. In addition, every colour temperature can be changed individually and saved permanently. 

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